Hearthstone | Hybrid RenoLock Warlock OTK Deck & Decklist| Constructed | Legend potential

2016-04-07 13

Hearthstone Deck - Constructed / Ranked
Hybrid RenoLock Warlock OTK Deck

Potential: up to legend

The well known RenoLock deck with the potential to hit the enemy hard using the Arcane Golem + Power Overwhelming + Faceless Manipulator Combo (As seen in game 3)!

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[Mana] Card Name

[1]Mortal Coil
[1]Power Overwhelming
[2]Dark Peddler
[3]Imp Gang Boss
[6]Siphon Soul
[8]Twisting Nether
[9]Lord Jaraxxus

[2]Acidic Swamp Ooze
[2]Ironbeak Owl
[3]Arcane Golem
[3]Big Game Hunter
[3]Earthen Ring Farseer
[4]Defender of Argus
[4]Piloted Shredder
[4]Refreshment Vendor
[4]Twilight Drake
[5]Antique Healbot
[5]Faceless Manipulator
[5]Sludge Belcher
[6]Emperor Thaurissan
[6]Reno Jackson
[6]Sylvanas Windrunner